And Draw
the major arcana, structured in a past/
present/future layout.
- KOOEpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XIVDeath
Death is the universal conclusion for all living things; a great equalizer and balancing force within the universe, and yet it is also the beginning of new life. This card does not carry the pretense of literal death, rather it speaks of a psychological death of self as we grow, change and are ‘born anew’.
It is incredibly difficult to let go of deeply ingrained behaviors and beliefs, and oftentimes we must experience a psychological cycle of death and rebirth to become better equipped to walk a fulfilling life path. Death counsels that spiritual growth may bring pain, but each time we experience this pain we are born anew; stronger than before. When attempting to overcome a trial, we must confront this figurative death with resolve and pass through it with courage. Embrace inner change and allow yourself to transition into a stronger version of yourself.
You are also cautioned to be conscious of the fear of change, as it often leads to a stagnation that prevents the cycle of psychological death and rebirth.
prevnext - LYJOpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XThe Hermit
The Hermit is a great wanderer of the inner landscape, eternally seeking knowledge of the self. A strong will and vast knowledge of the world alone is not enough to bring inner peace, and so The Hermit wanders through their unconscious mind in search of understanding.
Know that the path to locate your inner voice is one of solitude. The dark night of your unconscious must be walked alone, void of the voices and desires of those around you. Only when true solitude has been achieved will the bright northern star of your inner voice lead you to your destination.
This card counsels you to provide yourself a space where you can be truly alone with your thoughts. By allowing yourself to contemplate and self-reflect without distraction, you uncover a clear path to decisions aligned with your true, authentic self.
prevnext - JCYEpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XVIIIThe Star
The Star represents replenishment and faith in oneself, denoting a time of healing after a great emotional wound. Know that the cycles of the universe will always bring balance once again, and that The Star counsels you to recognize your inner strength and have faith in your capabilities. It is time to be courageous and open to feeling optimistic.
If you are laid low, The Star guides you to hold on to hope and recognize your inner strength. Your feelings of despair are valid, but remember that balance is always restored when we center ourselves, and new paths are always just beyond the fog.
prevnext - QCTCpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XVIIThe Tower
The Tower stands tall and striking on the horizon, cutting upwards into the sky as a momentous symbol of our perception of self and the world around us. We see it in the moment of destruction, laid low by a bolt of lightning - a powerful symbol of illumination and realization - that fractures our perception of the world and sends ripples throughout the fabric of our life.
Know that the destruction of old foundations must occur to build stronger foundations anew. Bringing down The Tower may be a traumatic experience, but it provides an entirely new path full of potential and hope. The Tower counsels you to take stock of your priorities and remain adaptable. As jarring as the destruction of our perception is, The Tower tells us it was shattered by a great truth that will enlighten us in the end.
prevnext - STNNpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XIXThe Moon
The Moon is a mirror reflecting your subconscious, showing you the image of your inner anxieties and doubts, as well as the reality surrounding you. This is a time to look at both reflections and compare them, defining what is real and what is a discomfort of your own making.
Do not allow yourself to be deceived by the reflection, The Moon cautions. Identify your worries and concerns, drag them to the surface, and hold them up to the reality around you. Temper your worry with the understanding that your intuition is a powerful tool that provides a path to clarity, and like the light of a full moon, it will guide you down that path.
This card can also represent the existence of a great illusion in your life - one which you may not yet be aware of. Trust your intuition and proceed with confidence in your sense of self and boundaries.
prevnext - VXNKpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XVIThe Devil
The Devil often represents negative forces that prevent you from embracing your best self, both from within and without. Common embodiments of this cycle are unhealthy relationships, dependencies, bad habits and any behaviors that are detrimental to yourself and those around you. This imbalance may leave you feeling trapped in a cycle of highs and lows, perpetually chasing quick fixes while never truly addressing the root of unhappiness or pain that exists beneath the surface.
When this card shows itself, know that it is a sign to slow down and self-reflect; there is power in identifying where your personal growth has been stunted. This self-awareness will become a powerful tool for restoration, and provide a sense of balance that can act as a foundation for growth, if not total harmony. Examine what is in your nature that creates discomfort and pain, and let that knowledge serve you in righting your relationship with yourself.
prevnext - WFWUpastpresentfutureRead moreCard IVThe Empress
The Empress is maternal intuition and manifestation embodied; a symbol of the powerful divine feminine in us all. She is driven by her desire to nurture her kingdom and foster a space for creativity and compassion, and can symbolize a connection with Mother Earth itself.
When The Empress crosses your path, know that she represents abundance and blessings, whether it be a windfall or boon of your own creating. Now is the time to reap your rewards and share them with those nearest and dearest to you.
The Empress also calls on you to embrace your empathetic nature and open yourself to circumstances that bring life, happiness, and delight. This empathy has a place both within you and without, so be kind to yourself and remember that your needs are just as important as the needs of those you care for.
prevnext - QKLXpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XVTemperance
Temperance counsels you to moderate yourself intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Any action or inaction must be measured and appropriate to the issue at hand. Through patience and moderation you will allow yourself to act with calm confidence, aware of the effect your actions will have.
When a time of great stress and anxiety occurs, task yourself with creating an environment of complete balance within yourself. Avoid any extreme action that has not been carefully weighed, as you may risk the stability of more than you realize in this moment.
This card also cautions you to beware of extremes in behavior or expectations. Both fearful inaction and spontaneous overreaction will be detrimental to the matter at hand, so focus inward and strive for balance in your preparation and response.
prevnext - NBTVpastpresentfutureRead moreCard VThe Emperor
The Emperor is a force of paternal guidance and structured authority, counseling you to approach your goals methodically and with discipline. With decisive strategy comes decisive success.
Know that while the paternal nature of The Emperor guides you to foster logic, discipline, and honor, there is danger in remaining too inflexible to adapt to life’s inevitable surprises. His greatest wish is to provide a secure foundation for his Kingdom’s measured growth, but without the empathetic balance of The Empress, he can enforce growth coldly and without compassion. Too much of anything is a burden, and so we are cautioned against rigid, stubborn mindsets that render us incapable of adapting to the elements around us.
Remember, creating order in life simply for order’s sake leaves us constrained by loveless logic; rather we should seek logical order that adapts to our needs. Take measure of your resources and capabilities, and create a foundation for growth that will serve the life of your kingdom.
prevnext - ONSVpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XIIIThe Hanged Man
The Hanged Man dangles upside-down from a great tree, looking down at the world from an unorthodox perspective. Within him is a peace and understanding that can only be obtained through overcoming great personal challenges. Though he may be judged a fool by society, he is wholly confident in his actions.
Be true to yourself and let your actions/decisions confidently hang from your deeply rooted self-awareness. Do not put more stock into the expectations of others than what you believe to be right. Only when you value your perspective will you know when and what to sacrifice to achieve your goals.
This card also cautions against rationalizing damaging behaviors and habits. Ask yourself: are you warping your perception of self as justification to act out or fulfill a detrimental, carnal desire?
prevnext - OOHUpastpresentfutureRead moreCard VIIThe Lovers
The Lovers symbolize a significant union of opposing forces, and tend to show themselves when matters of trust, unity, and harmony are at hand. This could be in regards to a relationship with another, with the self, or with a decision that impacts either of these. Drawing The Lovers can indicate that a relationship in question - whether rooted in romantic feelings, friendship, or professional partnership - is strong and will serve you both well as long as it is mutually maintained.
The Lovers counsel that, above all, you should be true to yourself. Only once you are unified internally can you be truly authentic to those with whom you share a relationship. Fostering an environment of trust provides confidence and strength for both parties, empowering each of you to reach your full potential, in autonomy and unity alike.
In a more abstract sense, drawing this card can represent the concept of choice itself, often between things that are opposing and yet mutually exclusive. Focus inward and think deeply about the subject while being true to yourself. An important decision is at hand.
prevnext - ADIFpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XIThe Wheel Of Fortune
The Wheel Of Fortune is a boundless universal machine, perpetually spinning according to the mystifying whims of the universe. Its design is wholly unfathomable and yet unavoidable, and so we are forced to accept its turning, while striving to flourish as its blessings and tragedies are made apparent. It is a symbol of navigating change and adapting.
The Wheel counsels that we remain centered and secure within our inner self, for no matter how the wheel shifts, we live at its center rather than at its mercy.
This may be a sign to cherish and celebrate a wonderful situation you find yourself in, using it to shore up your emotional resilience and embrace a period of growth. And when hard times inevitably come knocking, arm yourself with that pliability and weather the storm, for relief is a wheel’s turn away.
prevnext - DOFGpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XXThe Sun
The Sun represents the perpetual dawn; a symbol of great renewal, joy, and optimism. It gives everything we know life and pierces the shadows that haunt us. Success and abundance are deserved, and this card counsels you to share this warm, radiant energy with the ones you surround yourself with.
The Sun also cautions you against fighting the feeling of peace and calm that comes when you are aligned with yourself. Being a placid sea may feel like you are lacking in energy if you are used to stormy waves, but know that the time is right to lean in and trust the lifegiving calm you’ve brought yourself into.
prevnext - WRXPpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XIIJustice
The appearance of Justice tells of a judgment made fairly and appropriately, and reminds us that there will always come a time when our actions are judged. It is a deliverer of what is deserved, and its double-edged blade cuts both ways. Know that justice itself has no power to help or harm you, rather you create your karmic rewards and punishments through your actions.
Justice reminds us that our decisions often reach beyond ourselves and counsels us to think on the effect of the action in question before seeing it to fruition. If you are questioning why something has occurred, analyze your past actions and take responsibility for what you have wrought.
This card can also serve as a balm if you have been wronged, as the universe will always dispense justice and restore balance. Keep in mind that acts of revenge rarely balance the scale, and the most rewarding repayment is often embarking on another more fulfilling path.
prevnext - HVGJpastpresentfutureRead moreCard IIThe Magician
The Magician exists at a crossroads of science and the Self, flourishing in the realm of logic and understanding, and counsels you to practice discipline and self-control. It represents the infinite possibilities that open up to you when harnessing willpower and rationale within a creative mindset. The Magician also cautions against the temptations of power, control, and manipulation.
Your hard work and natural capabilities provide opportunity, but using those gifts to control or manipulate others will only taint the rewards life brings to you. Focus your will and hone the tools at your disposal, for the situation at hand requires disciplined action executed with calm conviction.
prevnext - PZWBpastpresentfutureRead moreCard VIIIThe Chariot
The Chariot is a symbol of boldness and victory; a call to reign in your competitive nature and harness it to overcome the challenge at hand. Drawing this card counsels you to maintain focus and embrace your determination and courage as you approach your goal. Embracing structure and order within your planning will serve you well here, but you must remember to remain flexible and adaptive as the path to victory is often riddled with unexpected twists and turns.
Know that even though your issue’s landscape is vast and fraught with distractions, understanding yourself and controlling your passions will allow for greater control of the battlefield. Approach the issue at hand like a general preparing for battle - your focus, determination, and boldness will carry you to your target like an arrow in flight.
prevnext - MROHpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XXIIThe World
The World is a powerful symbol of completion, fulfillment, and accomplishment. Through your actions and efforts, you’ve built a reality where your goal is complete and your heart and mind are unified. Now it is time to walk confidently and let the harmony of the world ring through you.
This card could be indicative of the completion of a major project, life event, or goal. Whatever the cause, it has an incredibly powerful effect on your self-perception and confidence, as it should. Know that you are counseled to reflect on your accomplishment and encouraged to celebrate it. Once you are centered and one with yourself, your constructive energies can be directed outwards, making the world a better place.
The World also cautions you to avoid a false sense of security when embracing the oneness it signifies. In our human lives, the total completion represented by The World is never permanently achieved, rather it is a wholeness achieved intermittently throughout the cycle of life as we continually grow and change.
prevnext - UZDQpastpresentfutureRead moreCard VIThe Hierophant
The Hierophant is a spiritual figure that represents knowledge and the institutions that share the path to reaching it. He is a counterpart to The High Priestesses, balancing her inward spiritual focus with a drive to seek external sacred knowledge.
He calls on you to follow the path to education, and feel comfortable embracing the conventional while you do so. The Hierophant also cautions that we be diligent and thoughtful, for blind faith in any institution rarely serves true enlightenment. Ensure that your core values align with those of your chosen institution before starting the process of learning.
Whether this institution is educational, spiritual, or creative, the counsel remains the same; now is not a time for innovation and the shattering of norms, rather it will benefit you in this moment to adapt to working systems that already exist.
prevnext - NGPUpastpresentfutureRead moreCard XXIJudgement
Heed the call of Judgement, for it signifies that the time is right for reflection, evaluation, and action. We are reminded that our choices compound, and each time we make a key life decision, the course of our journey is shifted permanently. Now is a time where those choices catch up with us and we are called by Judgement to take stock, reflect, and gain closure.
Know that mourning lost opportunity is healthy and necessary for closure. This is a valid part of self-reflection and processing your journey. Committing to self-actualized change and growth promises a more fulfilling life, and the rewards are always worth the process.
This card also cautions you to answer Judgement’s call with foresight. Avoid mistaking the desires of society or those around you for a true call by taking time to self-reflect in the silence of the Self.
prevnext - MLPSpastpresentfutureRead moreCard IThe Fool
When The Fool visits you, know that it is a sign to embrace an opportunity with enthusiasm and optimism. The Fool calls for courage and trust in yourself, both of which must be well-rooted before you can take a leap of faith and begin a new journey. This card often represents new opportunities within your career or relationships, but can also be a guide when you find yourself unable to choose a path where many are available.
You may be caught at a crossroads, unable to see what lies ahead, and so you are left frozen in indecision. Drawing The Fool encourages you to take a deep breath and trust your foundational self; you may not be able to see the end of each road ahead, but the destination is only part of the journey. Choose a road that sparks your curiosity and forge ahead armed with the constructive feelings of anticipation, wonder, and awe.
Know that The Fool is not guided by cold universal logic, but rather by curiosity and optimism within. Allow yourself to embrace your inner wonder and imagination, and if you are devoid of these feelings, The Fool counsels you to rediscover and reconnect with them.
prevnext - BXZFpastpresentfutureRead moreCard IXStrength
Drawing Strength symbolizes a focus on inner stability and resolve, and guides you to seek the understanding of strength’s true nature.
The lion represents our passion and desire; emotions necessary for a fulfilling life, but wholly dangerous when expressed without boundaries. Our heroine bravely risks herself to hold the lion’s jaws at bay, and yet her calm demeanor reveals a powerful love and respect for the beast she tames. Know that Strength is not the simple ownership of might, but rather it is the courage to act with resolve despite the overwhelming adversity of your circumstances.
Strength counsels that you seek to walk through life with dignity and courage, for the lion that can tear us apart unfettered can be our greatest ally when harnessed.
prevnext - ZUDQpastpresentfutureRead moreCard IIIThe High Priestess
The High Priestess is a muse of intuition, mystery, and spiritual understanding that serves as counsel between spirituality and the Self - sometimes referred to as your ‘inner voice’. She exists in the realm of duality - the place where opposing forces meet and find balance - representing the culmination of experience and self-awareness that provides each of us a willingness to understand conflicting ideals.
Drawing this card counsels emotional awareness and balance between the forces at work in your life. This could be within a relationship, a work-life balance, or an idealistic balance. The High Priestess also cautions against blind faith, guiding you to accept the wisdom and energy others offer with thoughtfulness and foresight. Blind faith in anything is a risky endeavor that often leads to an imbalance within the Self.